سانيتاس فيتا ك – .5 اوقيه (في كي 15)


سكو: SN01168 الفئه:


Sanitas Vita K is a beauty elixir that calms redness and improves the look of dark circles under the eyes. This powerful redness reliever is packed with potent vitamin K.It is a skin-strengthening nutrient that targets the underlying issues that can cause skin redness. It improves the appearance of dark circles, إلتهاب, and under eyes bags. Doubble claiming benefits with Rutin, the skin fortifying botanical provides additional relief for redness and irritation. Plus, the restorative vitamin E protects and stabilizes stressed skin.The weightless serum, سانيتاس فيتا ك, improves the overall condition of your skin and restores fatigued and stressed skin to reveal a healthier, اسطع, and younger complexion.Benefits:Ideal for all skin types.Delivers solutions for Rosacea, الدوائر المظلمة, الانتفاخ, الاحمرار, and Irritation.Reduces skin puffiness, الاحمرار, and irritation.Strengthens and calms the stressed skin.Highly active vitamin K serum delivers fast results.Protects the skin from free-radical damage.Directions:Apply to cleansed affected areas to reduce redness and dark circles under the eyes.Sanitas Vita K Ingredients:المياه / أكوا / أو, Vitamin K [Phytonadione], C12-15 ألكيل بنزواتي, بولياكريلاميد, لوريث-7, فينوكسيثانول, كابريل غليكول, فيتامين E [توكوفيريل أسيتات], C13-14 إيسوبارافين, روتين, إيثيلهيكسيلجلسرين, هيكسيلين غليكول.

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