Face Reality Ultra Gentle Cleanser – 6اوقيه (CL-26) (03030)


سكو: FR-CL-26 الفئه:


Face Reality Sulfur-free Gel Cleanser is a gentle, sulfate-free cleanser created with the specific purpose of fighting acne. Acclaimed as the first ever sulfate- free cleanser specially formulated for people with skin prone to any type of acne, including anyone who suffers from Acne RosaceaFace Reality has been combined with effective natural ingredients and antioxidants that work to eliminate breakouts while also calming redness and irritation.Benefits:Gentle enough for normal, dry and/or mature skin.Safe for use on sensitive skin.A great gel cleanser for anyone, whether or not they have skin prone to acne.Directions:ضعي كمية صغيرة على بشرة رطبة ودلكيه في رغوة خفيفة. لا تفرك بقوة. اشطفيه بالماء الفاتر واتركيه حتى يجف.

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