Sanitas GlycoSolution 15% – 3.4 اوقيه (GS15-100)


سكو: SN01096 الفئه:


Sanitas GlycoSolution 15% is a multi-active toner with high concentrations of Glycolic Acid that deeply exfoliates dead skin cells, الشوائب, excess oil production, and acne while stimulating skin renewal for natural, بشرة متوهجة. مع الاستخدام المنتظم, this exfoliating treatment reduces the appearance of fine lines, تجاعيد, and large pores.Glycolic Acid brightens, يحفز تجديد البشرة, smoothes fine lines, and prevents future aging factors. في نفس الوقت, the Amino acid complex provides weightless hydration to improve the delivery of active ingredients and boosts collagen depleted skin. Sodium PCA promotes natural moisture factor production to restore skin hydration.The perfect toner to add to your skin-care routine, All in one jar, Sanitas GlycoSolution 15% ينعم التجاعيد, brightens the skin, balances oil production, and improves pore appearance!فوائد:مثالي للجفاف, عادي, تركيبه, and oily skin.Delivers solutions for Oiliness, Large Pores, الخطوط الدقيقة والتجاعيد, and Drak Spots.Deeply exfoliates and resurfaces the skin.Makes enlarged pores appear smaller.Improves rough skin texture and tone.Controls extra oil and hydrates the skin.Directions:Saturate a cotton pad with this toner. Apply to cleansed face and neck. It can be used up to 4 times/week. If you feel dryness or irritation occurs, use less frequently or discontinue use.Sanitas GlycoSolution 15% المكونات:المياه / أكوا / أو, حمض الجليكوليك, غليسين, فينوكسيثانول, كابريل غليكول, إيثيلهيكسيلجلسرين, أرجينين, الصوديوم بي سي أي, زيت قشر الليمون [الحمضيات ليمون], هيكسيلين غليكول.

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