Sanitas Complexion Clear – 120 Caps (CC120)


سكو: SN01231 الفئه:


Sanitas Complexion Clear is a daily nutritional supplement that has been proven to correct blemishes and overall skin tone by targeting everyday dietary needs that have been scientifically associated with acne.It features a balanced blend of eight vital nutrients and antioxidants to address the origin of acne-prone skin. The combination of Vitamin A, ه, and B, stimulate cell production, boost circulation, enhance your skin’s complextoin and functions. Zinc assists in healing wounds while Selenium detoxifies cells.Add Sanitas Complexion Clear to your skincare routine to maintain your bright, beautiful skin without any imperfections. As they say, ” You are what you eat.For the more polished, أوضح, والجلد أكثر سلاسة. فوائد:Perfect for oily, acne-prone skin.Delivers the essential vitamins and minerals to nourish the skin.Improves detoxification.Helps in wound healing and reduces inflammation.Prevents further acne and blemishes.Promotes liver health and immunity.Improves eczema and psoriasis.Boosts cell growth and restores damaged cells.Refines your skin’s tone and functions.Directions:أخذ 1-2 capsules per day, with meals.Sanitas Complexion Clear Ingredients:فيتامين أي, ب1, ب2, ب3, B6,B12, فيتامين E (Mixed Tocopherols), Folate, البيوتين, حمض البانتوثنيك, خارصين (as Zinc Picolinate), سيلينيوم (as Selenomethionine), نحاس (as Copper Glycinate), Acetyl L Cysteine. Other Ingredients Cellulose, حمض ستيريك, Crosscarmellose Sodium, ستيرات المغنيسيوم.

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