Glymed Plus Gentle Facial Wash – 1 اوقيه – مجانا مع $35 ابتاع


سكو: GMP1-C الفئه:


Glymed Plus Gentle Facial Wash is a non-comedogenic unscented facial cleanser to minimize dark spots while getting rid of harmful toxins, bacteria and makeup. This facial cleanser is delicate enough to apply regularly without leaving traces of residue on the skin.Glymed Plus Gentle Facial Wash is gentle enough for all skin types, and doesn’t upset even the most sensitive of skins.Benefits:Provides both anti-aging and exfoliation benefits.Visibly reduces pores and wrinkles.Removes lesions and surface dryness.Effectively clean out all the daily debris including oils.Directions:Apply a liberal amount, gently massaging the area to be cleaned morning and evening. Rinse with warm water splashes and a warm, damp cloth. Do not use as an eye makeup remover.Glymed Plus Gentle Facial Wash Ingredients:المياه النقية (اكوا), أمامونيوم لوريل كبريتات, الجليسرين, كوكاميدوبروبويل بيتين, حمض الجليكوليك, Glycol Stearate, هيدروكسيد الصوديوم, حمض الستريك, ديازوليدينيل يوريا, ميثيلبارابين, بروبيلابارابين.

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