Face Reality Sulfur Spot Treatment – 1.5اوقيه (AM-29) (03010)


سكو: FR-AM-29 باب:


The Face Reality sulfur spot treatment was designed for those who want the best acne fighting solution but cannot handle harsh ingredients. After one application, this innovative spot treatment will decrease your red and inflamed acne lesions without leaving behind any pesky dry patches. With our non-irritating formula, you can take care of breakouts with less chance of skin irritation and leave your complexion looking fresh and clean.Benefits:6% sulfur provides acne lesions instant relief of redness and inflammationImmediate reduction in inflammation jump-starts the healing process in even the most stubborn lesionsTreatment is non-drying or irritating after frequent applicationDirections:Apply as mask after extractions, Apply small amount of spot treatment to inflamed acne lesions/breakouts as often as needed as a part of home care routine.Face Reality Sulfur Spot Treatment Ingredients:المكونات النشطة: Sulfur 6%Inactive Ingredients: اكوا (الماء), بوتيلين غليكول, أكاسيا السنغال الصمغ, كاربومير, فينوكسيثانول, بيسابول (إل-ألفا), ألانتوين, البنزيل الكحول, الجليسرين, حمض كابريلهيدروكساميك, ديكتران, هيدروكسيد الصوديوم, إيثيلهيكسيلجلسرين, Palmitoyl Tripeptide-8

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