Peter Thomas Roth Gentle Complexion Correction Pads – 60 منصات


سكو: PTR514 باب:


Peter Thomas Roth Gentle Complexion Correction PadsFormulated to cleanse skin, clear up blackheads, refine pores and reduce the appearance of fine lines. These pads contain potent Beta Hydroxy Acid (حمض الساليسيليك 0.5%), Alpha Hydroxy Acid (حمض الجليكوليك 10%), كحول (23%) in an advanced botanical formulation creating a unique, clarifying, synergistic action to cleanse the skin, minimize pore size, clear up active acne blemishes, and eliminate the formation of new blackheads and blemishes. Peter Thomas Roth Gentle Complexion Correction Pads regulate healthy turnover and deliver proven anti-aging benefits that help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Deluxe, generously thick, double-sided pads deliver gentle cleansing action on one side and superior pore-refining exfoliation on the textured side. Peter Thomas Roth Gentle Complexion Correction Pads provides a veil of fresh peach bellini scent that replaces traditional medicinal antiseptic pads. Peter Thomas Roth is for men and women. بيتر توماس روث خال من القسوة.

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