Peter Thomas Roth Conditioning Tonic is a fragrance-free, alcohol-free, dye-free toner that contains tiny amounts of benzoic acid and salicylic acid. It removes excess residue and restores skin to its natural pH, allowing skin care products that are applied afterward to penetrate better. Conditions and clarifies skin while refining pores. Stimulates healthy cell turnover to help reduce the appearance of fine lines, التجاعيد وغيرها من علامات الشيخوخة. Refreshes skin leaving it feeling soft and smooth. اتجاهات: Apply with cotton ball twice daily after cleansing. Also an excellent toner to use before and after facials. Allow to dry naturally. Peter Thomas Roth Conditioning Tonic Ingredients: الماء, حمض البنزويك, حمض الساليسيليك (حمض بيتا هيدروكسي), دي الصوديوم EDTA, سوربات البوتاسيوم, البروبيلين غليكول, ميثيلبارابين, بروبيلابارابين, ديازوليدينيل يوريا, كواترنيوم-15.