This refreshing, soothing lotion may be applied to the skin daily and is especially suited to people who live in heavily congested metropolitan areas. Rhonda Allison Purifying Lotion provides moisturizing support for the skin and helps to neutralize the appearance of free radical damage. A potent antioxidant concentrate, it is very beneficial for all skin types. For Most Skin Types – Environmentally Stressed Directions: Use appropriate cleanser as directed and then pour a small amount of lotion directly onto a gauze pad and smooth into skin ???? this is a second-phase cleanse as well as a dose of antioxidants. This refreshing and soothing lotion may be applied to the skin daily; keep chilled in the summer and apply to skin after outdoor activities. المكونات: اكوا (الماء), هاماميليس فيرجينيانا (بندق الساحرة) الماء, حمض اللاكتيك (L), حمض اليوريك, حمض الأسكوربيك (L), الجلوتاثيون (L), ديسموتاز الفائق, توكوفيرول (دي ألفا), بيلارجونيوم جرافأولنس (Rose Geranium) زيت الزهور, الحمضيات جرانديس (كريفون) قشر النفط, ميليسا أوفيسيناليس (Lemon Balm) ورقة النفط