Rhonda Allison Retinol Supreme – .5 اوقيه (15مل) (MT52)


سكو: RA03392 باب:


Retinolic Acid has a beneficial exfoliating, restorative effect on skin. This compound adds the perfect balance to strengthen the integrity of the skin.Rhonda Allison Retinol Supreme is a super-charged serum that works for maximum skin rejuvenation support – الملمس, الخطوط الدقيقة, and overall appearance are enhanced. Rhonda Allison Retinol Supreme is an active corrective that requires guidance from a skin care professional.Directions: May use nightly or once to twice a week depending on skin type. It is best to use at night after a thorough cleansing. Skin may experience redness, جفاف, and flaking at various stages of using this serum; once the skin exfoliates it will rebound and replenish (epidermal growth factor is recommended) and client may resume use of serum as desired. Do not get in or near eyes. توقفي عن الاستخدام في حالة حدوث تهيج. المكونات: هاماميليس فيرجينيانا (بندق الساحرة) الماء, اكوا (الماء), الجليسرين, كحول, سكوالين, حمض اللاكتيك (L), الريتينول, كارنيتين (L), بوليسوربات 20, استخراج الطحالب, زانثان غوم

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