Rhonda Allison Mandelic Defense Tonic is a purifying, environmental protection toner providing you with remarkable antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-infammatory support, making Rhonda Allison Mandelic Defense Tonic an outstanding selection for acne-prone skin and those dealing with more toxin heavy environments, but delicate enough for rosacea, sensitive skins as well.Benefits:Purifying tonic to remove pollution from environmentSensitive enough for rosacea skin, but can be used on all skin typesAntibacterial toner with anti-inflammatory propertiesHealing to the skin as it contains antioxidantDirections:Saturate 2×2 gauze with Mandelic Defense Tonic. Apply to thoroughly cleansed, dry skin with firm, ضغط متساو. Let absorb and remain on skin. May be used daily. Follow with serums and correctives. Be sure to wear SPF daily while using this product.Rhonda Allison Mandelic Defense Tonic Ingredients:الجلوتاثيون (L), ديسموتاز الفائق, كحول, توكوفيرول (دي ألفا), هيليانثوس أنوس (Sunfower) زيت البذور, الجليسرين, بيلارجونيوم جرافأولنس (المسك) زيت الزهور, الحمضيات جرانديس (كريفون) قشر النفط, Melissa Offcinalis Extract, هيدروكسيد الصوديوم