جلو سكين بيوتي الترطيب اليومي – 1 اوقيه (657-1)


سكو: G10124 الفئه:


Glo Skin Beauty Daily Hydration is an instant hydrating boost for moisture balance. Formerly Known as B5 Hydration, it restores skin’s suppleness with skin-quenching boost. Due to high levels of water-binding humectants, it hydrates thirsty skin while shielding skin against free radical damage caused by environmental aggressors. Glo Skin Beauty Daily Hydration helps balance moisture content and prevent transepidermal water loss. فوائد: A premium serum that provides long-lasting moisture. Makes skin appear healthier, ممتلئ, softer and smoother. Gives skin enhanced radiance, suppleness and comfort. اتجاهات: Apply sparingly after Daily C. إذا لزم الأمر, your favorite Glo Skin Beauty moisturizer can be applied on top. Use daily for best results. المكونات: أكوا/المياه/أو, السكاريد إيزوميرات, هيالورونات الصوديوم, بانثينول, فينوكسيثانول, إيثيلهيكسيلجلسرين

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