قناع شجرة الشاي سانيتاس – 2 اوقيه (TTM60)


سكو: SN01219 الفئه:


Sanitas Tea Tree Mask is a purifying treatment mask with soothing effects that absorbs excess oil, removes impurities embedded in pores, and soothes redness for a naturally glowing complexion. A powerful combination of Clays and restorative Botanicals effectively eliminates toxins from the skin and improves skin tone and texture while Tea Tree Oil calms and clarifies the skin.Salicylic acid stimulates skin rejuvenation and unclogs pores. في نفس الوقت, Zinc Oxide helps regulate sebum production in the skin and contributes to reducing. It is a gentle yet active mask that creates a brighter, أوضح, and healthier skin without irritating.”Say Goodbye!” to acne and “SAY HELLO!” to your new beautiful, healthy skin with Sanitas Tea Tree Mask.Benefits:Ideal for Combination, Oily to Acne-Prone skin.Provides solutions for Acne, زيتيه, المسام الواسعة, Whiteheads, الرؤوس السوداء, and Redness.Reduces unclogs pores and acne-causing bacteria.Detoxifies and soothes the skin.Deeply cleanses and decongests pores.Evens and smoothes the complexion.Directions:Apply a thin layer on a cleansed, dry surface evenly. Allow it to dry and then rinse off with warm water.Sanitas Tea Tree Mask Ingredients:ماء أكوا, الكاولين, البنتونيت, بروبيلين غليكول, أكسيد الزنك, غليسيريل سترات, بيج-100 ستيرات, نياكيناميدي, حمض الساليسيليك, حمض اللاكتيك, بوليسوربات 20, ألانتوين, Croscarmellose, Tea Tree Leaf Oil [ميلاليوكا ألترنيفوليا], زيت أوراق الأوكالبتوس الكروية, Rosemary Leaf Oil [روزمارينوس أوفيناليس], المنثول, Iron Oxide.

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