Rhonda Allison Pumpkin Tonic is designed to freshen and tone skin after cleansing as well as provide a balance of moisture that hydrates and plumps skin.Due to the naturally occurring nutrients in pumpkin, this pro collagen toner will bathe skin with valuable antioxidant and rejuvenating support. Rhonda Allison Pumpkin Tonic is a valuable second-phase cleansing agent for ultra sensitive to normal, combination skin types.Benefits:A pro collagen toner.Provides a balance of moisture that hydrates and nourishes skin tissue.Gentle and non-irritating to even sensitive skin.Was formerly Pumpkin Rinse.Ideal for all skin types.Infuses skin with vitaminsCreates radiant, plump skinDirections:Pour onto gauze and apply to dry, cleansed skin with firm, ضغط متساو. Let absorb into skin before applying protective creams. May be used 1 ل 2 مرات في اليوم; for a cooling effect during summer months, refrigerate and apply to skin after outdoor activities.Ingredients:اكوا (الماء), القرعيات بيبو (يقطين), دينات الكحول., الجليسرين, عسل , فوسفوليبيدات, سفينغوليبيدات, هيالورونات الصوديوم (L), حمض الأسكوربيك (L), بيتا كاروتين (د), تسونجا كانادينسيس (الشوكران) نفط, Cinnamomum Cassia Leaf Oil, يوجينيا كاريوفيلوس (فص) ورقة النفط, زينجيبر أوفيسينالي (زنجبيل) زيت الجذر