Face Reality Sal-C Toner – 6 اوقيه (T-21) (03056)


سكو: FR-T-21 الفئه:


Face Reality Sal-C Toner is a luxurious toner formulated to exfoliate, revitalize and detoxify. Using one bottle per month of Face Reality’s Sal-C Toner will draw out the impurities in your skin. Unlike other acne treatments that dry out the skin and cause pain, this safe alternative leaves you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated without any added harm.Benefits:Recommended for skin prone to all types of acne and acne rosacea.Contains L-Ascorbic Acid, which is a highly effective stabilized version of Vitamin C.Appropriate for normal and oily skin types.Directions:Apply using a small amount on a cotton round pad or a 2 x 2 gauze square. Wipe the entire face and affected areas until slightly damp. Do not saturate the skin. Sal-C Toner is also used in the back bar for disinfection after extractions.Face Reality Sal-C Toner Ingredients:اكوا (الماء), Alcohol Denat.*, الجليسرين, بروبيلين غليكول, بوليسوربات 20, غلوكونولاكتون, حمض الساليسيليك (0.5%), نياكيناميدي, البنزيل الكحول, بنزوات الصوديوم, حمض كابريلهيدروكساميك, حمض البنزويك, ساليكس ألبا (صفصاف) استخراج اللحاء (0.001%), بانثينول (د), حمض الأسكوربيك (L) (0.0001%), بيتا كاروتين (د) *organic ingredient

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