Bioelements Breakout Control – 1 اوقيه


سكو: B-PR206 الفئه:


Bioelements Breakout Control is a professional-grade 5% benzoyl peroxide lotion which enables to clear and manage acne.Bioelements Breakout Control reaches deep into skin pores to get rid of the bacteria that triggers blemishes and aid healing.This functions clear existing spots and prevent new breakouts from developing later on. The light, moisturizing formula could be put on alone and reapplied the whole day or worn invisibly beneath make-up. Cleanse skin completely before using.Bioelements Breakout Control Benefits:Professional-grade 5% benzoyl peroxideKills bacteria that triggers blemishes and aid healing.Light, moisturizing formulaPrevent future breakoutsPromote fast healing.Bioelements Breakout Control Directions:Cover up the affected area with a thin layer 1-3 times per day. Since excessive drying out of the skin may occur, begin with 1 application everyday, then slowly increase to 2 او 3 times everyday as needed or as instructed by a doctor. If irritating dryness or peeling happens, decrease application to once daily or alternate day. If going outdoors, utilize a sunscreen. Allow Breakout Control to dry, then follow instructions on the sunscreen labels. If sensitivity develops, stop use of both products and consult with a doctor.Bioelements Breakout Control Ingredients:بنزويل بيروكسايد 5%. الماء (اكوا) (ماء), ألوي باربادينسيس (الالوه) عصير الأوراق, الجليسرين, كاربومير, أرجينين, فينوكسيثانول, بوليسوربات 80, ميثيل اليسوثازولينوني.

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