فوائد مدهشة للكولاجين

فوائد مدهشة للكولاجين – الجيلاتين, which is cooked collagen, is a true superfood! I’ve been singing the praises of collagen and gelatin protein for years. I think it’s one of the best things you can incorporate in your diet. The benefits range from reducing wrinkles, healing your gut, building strong bones, helping joint pain and so much more.

Over the years, I’ve received some awesome comments from those who have incorporated collagen into their daily diet. Here’s just a few of the many comments sent my way.

مع تقدمنا في العمر, the amount of collagen in our body decreases. By age 25, collagen levels are decreased at a rate of 1.5% a year. By age 40, collagen is depleted faster than it is produced! And by age 60, over half of the body’s collagen has been depleted.

And collagen is what holds us together! It’s found in skin, الاربطه, cartilage, أوتار, musclesbone tissue, blood vessels, intervertebral discs, gastrointestinal tract, and even in the cornea of the eye.

Collagen is one of the few supplements I believe everyone should add to their diet. From more youthful looking skin to reducing inflammation and healing your gut, collagen is a true nutritional powerhouse.

انضم إلى قائمة كوبونات البشرة والجمال
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