تقديم $10 مكمل غذائي مشروب المشاهير لبشرة أكثر صفاء

تقديم $10 مكمل غذائي مشروب المشاهير لبشرة أكثر صفاء

Ever notice how celebrities seem to have an otherworldly glow to them? Take Reese here. She’s often seen leaving the gym without a stitch of makeup onand she looks damn near luminous every time.

Turns out, that crystal-clear complexion comes not from frequent sweat sessions (though it certainly helps) لكن, we hear, from drinking a few drops of chlorophyll each morning. As in, the very stuff that gives plants their green hue.

بشرة صافية

بشرة صافية

In vegetal existence, chlorophyll traps sunlight helping with photosynthesis. (أنت&rsquore welcome for that small science refresher.) In human existence, it will help to internally cleanse the body and deliver oxygen towards the skin therefore it feels and looks smoother.

To obtain glowing fast, drop a teaspoon of the stuff to your water if you feel dull or clogged. Despite its grassy appearance, it really tastes minty fresh.

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